ida-mdc / app-fiji / 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT


Dummy cover image.
Fiji is just ImageJ
10.1038/nmeth.2019Schindelin, J.; Arganda-Carreras, I. & Frise, E. et al. (2012), "Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis", Nature methods 9(7): 676-682, PMID 22743772
Solution written by
Deborah Schmidt
License of solution


No arguments

How to run

.. via graphical user interface
If you haven't already, install the album app.
Download ZIP by clicking here, unzip it and execute image/bin/album.
Download ZIP by clicking here, unzip it and execute image/bin/album.bat.
Download ZIP by clicking here, unzip it and execute image/bin/album.
Launch the album app and, if you are launching it for the first time, follow the instructions for installing album on your machine.
You can add this catalog to your collection by pressing the Add catalog button and pasting this URL into the popup window:

Load your collection by clicking Load collection and select the catalog named capture-knowledge. On the right, scroll to ida-mdc:app-fiji.
.. via command line
Create an album conda environment and activate it:
conda env create -f
conda activate album
You can add this catalog to your collection:
album add-catalog
album update capture-knowledge
album upgrade capture-knowledge
.. and launch the solution by name:
album install ida-mdc:app-fiji:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
album run ida-mdc:app-fiji:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT